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Toward the third dimension in combined arms: the evolution of armed helicopters into air maneuver units in Vietnam, 1965-1973.
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CollectionGeneral Military History
TitleToward the third dimension in combined arms: the evolution of armed helicopters into air maneuver units in Vietnam, 1965-1973.
AuthorBonin, John A.
AbstractThis paper will address how the U.S. Army's concepts for employment of armed helicopters evolved during the Vietnam conflict. This will not be an operational history of Army aviation in Vietnam, but instead will attempt to focus on the ideas employed and the lessons learned during the Vietnam experience on the use of armed helicopters. Additionally, this paper focuses only on armed helicopters, and later the early attack helicopters, not because of prejudice to other types of aviation, but in order to limit the scope. Some attention will also be devoted to combat development activities outside of Vietnam, especially as these impacted on armed and later attack helicopter employment.
KeywordArmed helicopters; Attack helicopters; Army organization; Air manuever units; Combat; Vietnamese Conflict, 1961-1975; Combined arms; United States Army; Army helicopter doctrine; Army aviation; Combat support; Airmobile operations; Helicopter employment
PublisherFort Leavenworth, KS. : US Army Command and General Staff College,
Date, Original1986-04-22
Date, Digital2006
Resource TypeTextual
FormatPDF; Adobe Acrobat Reader required; 61 p.; 3.66 MB.
Call numberN2884.1811
Release StatementApproved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
RepositoryCombined Arms Research Library
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