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Screening meeting on Freedom of movement for workers concluded


Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 2 – Freedom of movement for workers – was concluded in Brussels 9 February. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and the EU compared the Icelandic legislation with the EU legislation falling under the Chapter. The Icelandic team was headed by Mr. Harald Aspelund, chairman of the EEA II negotiation team.

As part of the EEA-Agreement, Iceland has implemented most of the acquis under this chapter. The need for continued technical adaptations concerning national social security provisions that have already been negotiated as part of the EEA-Agreement was mentioned at the meeting. No talks about exemptions or special solutions took place.

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The Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs has published the timetable for the screening meetings, which are expected to be concluded in June 2011. Further information about the content of individual chapters and Iceland's negotiation committee is to be found athe Ministry's website on Iceland's accession talks,

Facts on Iceland

Iceland's handball team won the silver medal in the 2008 Olympic games in Beijing, China. Earlier, Icelandic athletes had won silver and bronz olympic medals in judo, triple jump and in pole vault.


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