FigTree is designed as a graphical viewer of phylogenetic trees and as a program for producing publication-ready figures. As with most of my programs, it was written for my own needs so may not be as polished and feature-complete as a commercial program. In particular it is designed to display summarized and annotated trees produced by BEAST.
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Version History
2009-02-24 - v1.2.2
A few bug fixes
Bugs fixed:
- Exported NEWICK trees now have a terminal semi-colon.
- Text boxes in control panels are now editable again.
- Polar trees with 'Align Tip Labels' could cause the tree to go off the page.
2009-01-09 - v1.2.1
A few new features and few bug fixes
New features:
- Taxon, branch and node labels now have a "Font" button which can be used to set the font for these labels.
- Added a "Gradient" check box to the "Appearance" panel. This will try to produce gradual colour changes on the branches.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed a problem reloading trees with integer annotations.
- 'Preferences' wasn't available on Windows & Linux (it is now in the Edit menu).
- Now correctly exports trees 'As Displayed' (i.e., rooted or transformed).
2008-11-30 - v1.2
A few new features and many bug fixes
New features:
- Added a 'highlight' button which provides a block colouring for a clade.
- Add a continous colour gradient option to the 'Colour By' control in the Appearance panel. Use setup to activate (at present it disables the 'Width By' option.
- Added a 'Name' annotation that can be used to edit taxon names. It can also be used to name clades (and these are displayed for collapsed clades).
- Added a new drop down find panel that is activate by Find in the Edit menu or the find icon in the tool bar.
- Font sizes and a few other options can now be set in the 'Preferences' box. These act as defaults for new windows.
Bugs fixed:
- Fixed a problem with branch annotations being applied to the wrong branches when the tree is re-rooted.
- "Colour By" colours were reversed from those suggested in the Setup dialog.
- The "Colour By" setup didn't work as expected if Auto-Range was turned off.
- Made the control palette title bars slightly thinner.
2008-02-06 - v1.1.2
More graphics export formats
New features:
- Added new graphics export formats using the FreeHEP library. This includes SVG, EPS, PDF and EMF along with raster formats such as GIF, PNG etc.
- If a tree contains 'labels' (numbers such as bootstrap values before the branch length) then the user is given the opportunity to give these an informative name.
Bugs fixed:
- A few minor bugs fixed.
2008-01-22 - v1.1.1
Minor update fixes a few bugs
New features:
- Added the ability to format numerical node/branch labels as percentages (and Roman numerals).
- Added a 'setup' button for the 'Colour by' and 'Width by' controls in the 'Appearance' palette. These allow customization of the colours and line widths.
- Added hotkeys for menu options.
- Added direct menu options for midpoint rooting and node orderings (with hotkeys).
Bugs fixed:
- The filter (the search box on the toolbar) was not respecting the choice made in the popup menu.
- The search and filtering options were essentially non-functional. These now work as intended.
- FigTree crashed with an exception when run on certain Linux variants.
- FigTree crashed when displaying node/branch labels after the tree was manually re-rooted.
- Branch/node label choices were being lost when colouring or annotation tools were used.
- Removed the ugly icons from the menu options corresponding to toolbar buttons.
2008-01-13 - v1.1
Major update
New features:
- Added a collapse and a cartoon button - collapse produces a single taxon that represents the entire collapsed clade whereas cartoon creates a triangle that covers the same space as the clade.
- Reroot tree - select node and click reroot button in toolbar. Also select 'Midpoint root' in "Trees" control palette.
- Rotate nodes - select node and click rotate button in toolbar.
- Rescale trees - use "Time Scale" control palette (scale factor can be negative which reverses the time axis).
- Scale axis with grid lines - use the "Scale Axis" control palette.
- 'FishEye' (1-dimensional) zooming - in "Layout" control palette. Hold down the 'Control' key ('Command/Apple' key on a Mac) to change the centre of view.
- Improved Find dialog - can find inequalities for numerical values.
Bugs fixed:
- Negative branch lengths are now correctly displayed rather than being transformed to unit branches.
- Many, other bug fixes and improvements.
2006-11-01 - v1.0
First released version.