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Microarray data and sample descriptions from the AtGenExpress project
AtGenExpress NEW Interactive visualization of AtGenExpress developmental data
AtGenExpress READ ME - Development
To cite data from the developmental set, please refer to:

Schmid, M., Davison, T. S., Henz, S. R., Pape, U. J., Demar, M., Vingron, M. Schölkopf, B. Weigel, D., and Lohmann, J. (2005) A gene expression map of Arabidopsis development. Nature Genetics, 37, 501-506. Download here.

AtGenExpress Sample list (Development)
AtGenExpress developmental series sample list and description
AtGenExpress Seed sample information
Details on seed samples generated by the group of Bernd Weisshaar
AtGenExpress Probe preparation (Development)
AtGenExpress developmental series probe preparation protocol
AtGenExpress Expression data (Development)
AtGenExpress (Development) expression estimates by gcRMA
AtGenExpress Marker genes (Development) from Schmid et al., 2005
Marker genes for different tissues as shown in Figure 1c of Schmid et al. (2005) Nat. Genet. 37, 501-506.
AtGenExpress Sample list (Abiotic stress)
AtGenExpress abiotic stress series sample list and description
AtGenExpress Expression data (Abiotic stress)
AtGenExpress (Abiotic stress) expression estimates by gcRMA
AtGenExpress Sample list (Ecotypes)
AtGenExpress ecotypes series sample list and description
AtGenExpress Paper (Abiotic stress)
To cite data from the abiotic stress set, please refer to:

Kilian, J., Whitehead, D., Horak, J., Wanke, D., Weinl, S., Batistic, O., D'Angelo, Bornberg-Bauer, E., Kudla, J., and Harter, K. (2007) The AtGenExpress global stress expression data set: protocols, evaluation and model data analysis of UV-B light, drought and cold stress responses. Plant J. 50, 347-363.

AtGenExpress Expression data (Ecotypes)
AtGenExpress (Ecotypes) expression estimates by gcRMA
AtGenExpress Sample list (Pathogen)
AtGenExpress pathogen series sample list and description
AtGenExpress Expression data (Pathogen)
AtGenExpress (Pathogen) expression estimates by gcRMA
AtGenExpress Sample List (Light)
AtGenExpress light series sample list and description
AtGenExpress Expression data (Light)
AtGenExpress (Light) expression estimates by gcRMA