The Reference in qPCR  -  Academic & Industrial Information Platform

The Gene Quantification page describes and summarises all technical aspects involved in quantitative gene expression analysis using real-time qPCR & qRT-PCR. It presents a lot of new and innovative applications, chemistries, methods, algorithms, cyclers, kits, dyes, analysis methods, events, and services involved. Commercial and academic institutions can present their qPCR tools right here on our qPCR platform.

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Quantification strategies in qRT-PCR:  absolute Quantification  &  relative Quantification


Normalisation strategies & Housekeeping Genes & Reference Gene


Optimisation of reaction setup and qPCR procedure / Primer-Recources and Algorithms


Software download, DATA analysis, REST, GenEx, qBase, qPCR algorithms, CLUSTERING, qPCR statistics,  RDML


Meetings, Workshops, Symposia:  qPCR USA 2008  qPCR 2007  TATAA,  qPCR 2005

Cyclers + Robots

real-time PCR hardware: Cyclers / qPCR robotics ... NEW !


reverse transcription / mRNA transcript analysis / RNA integrity


detection dyes, probes, and chemistries in real-time PCR / HRM dyes / High Resolution Melt


qRT-PCR in molecular Physiology: CNV  single-cell qRT-PCR  microRNA  siRNA   saRNA  RNAi


determination of real-time qPCR efficiency by various methods


verification of qRT-PCR via cDNA array and microarray   Lab-on-Chip PCR
qPCR applications
qRT-PCR applications

High Resolution Melt   Copy Number Variants  RNAinterference  ... updated !  single-cell qPCR applications  siRNA   microRNA  ... updated !   small activating RNA  (saRNA)   NEW !

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qPCR platform participating companies:
qPCR platform participating companies in alphabetical order

Logo Roche Applied Science
Roche Applied Science - PCR Workflow System
Speed up your workflow to spend less time pipetting and more time advancing your research.

Eurogentec logo
Eurogentec - Your one-stop-shop Real-Time PCR supplier
logo Eppendorf
Eppendorf - Mastercycler  ep realplex - real-time PCR solutions !
logo Corbett Life Science

Corbett Life Science – Designed to integrate, our systems can take you from “extraction to reaction”
BioCat weblogoFinnzymes weblogo
BioCat_and_Finnzymes.gene-quantification.info BioCat and Finnzymes - Kits for SYBR Green- and Probe-based Quantitative PCR and Tissue Specific Nucleic Acids
logo Bio-Rad
Bio-Rad Laboratories - A complete solution.  A focused approach.
logo Applied Biosystems
AppliedBiosystems.gene-quantification.info Applied Biosystems - Advanced gene expression service provider
logo Cepheid

Cepheid.gene-quantification.info Cepheid - Brings answers to life.

TIB-Molbiol - Our business is DNA.
logo Qiagen
QIAGEN - Fast, real-time PCR on any cycler
logo Stratagene
Stratagene - The Complete Solution for Real-Time PCR
logo Invitrogen
Invitrogen - qPCR central.
logo BioSearch Technologies
Biosearch Technologies - Advancing Nucleic Acid Technologies
logo Sequenom
SEQUENOM - Quantitative Gene Expression Analysis
logo ABgene
ABgene - Molecular Biology and Life Sciences
logo LabonNet
LabonNet - Quality assessment for real-time PCR
logo 4titude

4titude - Consumables and instruments for life sciences
logo Quantace

Quantace – the home of SensiMix, a universal reagent which can be used for probe or SYBR-based assays. 
logo MultiD
MultiD Analysis - multidimensional data analysis.
logo LTF Labortechnik

LTF.gene-quantification.info LTF Labortechnik - Expression analysis service provider
logo Sigma LifeScience
Sigma-LifeScience - Improve your qPCR results today.

Your company want's to participate in the qPCR platform ?
contact us via   qPCRplatform@gene-quantification.info


qPCR Platform cooperating  Institutions  &  Laboratories:

TATAA Biocenter in Göteburg, Sweden is the leading qPCR service provider in Europe => www.TATAA.com  It has contributed to the development of qPCR by several inventions. The center is associated with Chalmers University of Technology and the University of Göteborg, in Sweden. The TATAA Biocenter Germany in Freising-Weihenstephan is located at the Technical University Munich, Insitute of Physiology and offers qPCR application workshops and advanced specialized trainings.  TATAA.gene-quantification.info
Barts and the London

Stephen Bustin is working at the Queen Mary's School of Medicine and Dentistry, www.icms.qmul.ac.uk at the Institute of Cell and Molecular Science.     www.sabustin.org

Laboratory of Gene Expression  Mikael Kubista´s lab is developing real-time PCR assays for different applications such as routine clinical diagnostic and methods for high through put measurements.    http://www.img.cas.cz/main.php    http://www.img.cas.cz/ge/

GeneCore is the in-house genomics service center at EMBL for DNA sequencing, S.A.G.E., Microarrays and real-Time qPCR. Services are provided on non-commercial basis for the EMBL community and academic institutions in the context of scientific collaborations within the EMBL member states. Tight links to industry provide state-of-the-art equipment. The experiments and their results feed directly back into improvements of instruments and technologies, spawning the next generation of scientific questions and technologies.     www.genecore.embl.de

geNorm VBA applet for Microsoft Excel determines the most stable reference genes from a set of tested genes and calculates a gene expression normalization factor based on the geometric mean of a user-defined number of reference genes. qBase is a collection of macros for Microsoft Excel for the management and automated analysis of real-time quantitative PCR data. The program employs a delta-Ct relative quantification model with PCR efficiency correction and multiple reference gene normalization.   medgen.ugent.be/~jvdesomp/genorm

qPCR Platform Media Partner:

Scientist Solutions - Your International Life Science Form          By Scientists.....for Scientists
Scientist Forum, Scientists Discussion Group, International Life Science Board, Forums, Resource,.....etc.
The ScientistSolutions board provides a discussion forum for professionals in the life sciences, where researchers can ask and answer questions, exchange protocols, and post jobs.  www.scientistsolutions.com

BIOCOM AG - Information and Communication for the Biotechnology
The PCR Encyclopedia

The PCR Encyclopedia
The free encyclopedia dedicated to the polymerase chain reaction www.pcr-encyclopedia.com  
logo PCR Jump Station

The World Famous PCR Jump Station:  Polymersase Chain Reaction
The ultimate Web page for information and links on all aspects of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). The polymerase chain reaction is a technique for the amplification of DNA in the laboratory. PCR has revolutionised molecular biology over the last ten years. This Web site aims to provide scientists with a comprehensive directory for the polymerase chain reaction, DNA amplification and PCR related techniques and protocols.

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www.Gene-Quantification.info is edited by Michael W. Pfaffl

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