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OO SMACKDOWN! RECAP The Poison is Already Here... and
His Name is Michael Cole? February 8, 2002
After last Monday�s RAW,
which I enjoyed thoroughly, I realize that what�s being built
towards WrestleMania is ultimately telegraphed and overwhelmingly
weak. My ideal scenario would look something like this: Angle and
Austin completely turn things around by winning their respective
No Way Out matches, making for a blow-off to end all blow-offs at
�Mania, perhaps in a cage or some such nonsense. These guys
carried the federation on their backs for a large portion of 2001
and they continue to put on mind-numbingly awesome matches.
Meanwhile, Jericho and Triple H can keep things going, since a
pregnancy angle can easily provide enough heat that a title
doesn�t have to be involved. And if we really must include
Hogan, Hall and Nash in the proceedings, we�ll have Rock, UT and
RVD available for involvement. It would never happen, but it�s
what I�d love to see for my buck (or many bucks�). Instead
we�ll get Stephanie interfering in Triple H�s match, and the
n-double-yo barging in on the main event.
Did anyone else see Norman
Smiley lighting it up on the court for the Raptors last night?
That team is so banged up, they were using some OTHER team�s
bench. And they still took out the Spurs. That�s how we do in
the T Dot, baby.
On to tonight�s (last
night�s) SmackDown! which will most likely feature a kinder,
gentler God of Thunder, no direct build on the upcoming
Jericho/Austin title match, and Michael Cole continuing his
one-man screwjob of the entire program. I swear to fucking God,
someone in the company has to open their eyes and get rid of Cole
immediately, at least on the announce level. He butchers his calls
of the match (bulldogs become DDTs), ruins �shocking� moments
with his overzealous commentary, and treats us all like morons
with his line of questioning directed at guest commentators (to
Regal: �why do you keep using the knucks?�). I haven�t seen
anything tear a product apart like this since�dear God�the
lethal poison has been under our noses this entire time!
We open with a dramatic
retrospective of last Monday night�s events involving the
McMahon-Helmsleys. Stephanie begs for the opportunity to renew
vows, then Triple H snaps and asks, �WHY?!� Everything goes
blood red, because red symbolizes ANGER. Stephanie reveals she�s
pregnant and Sounds of Love, Volume 8 starts up. Ross: �Triple H
is gonna be a father!� FEEL THE MARITAL BLISS!
SmackDown! is NOT LIVE! from
The Staples Center/Centre in Los Angeles. Our hosts are MICHAEL
�Cuntrag� COLE and JERRY
graphics for a main event tonight, but I�m banking on DRAMA
ROCK is out to get the ball rolling.
We�re taken back to RAW, where The Undertaker couldn�t think
of anything better than a lead pipe. Rocky stomps around, then
demands Undie�s presence. Instead, he gets BOOKER
T., who cuts roughly the same promo as he did Monday, still
basking in the glory of a tainted victory over Triple H. They�re
going for the Owen Slammy Award vibe, but it�s just not working.
Booker wants to make an example of The Rock, Rock digs it, and
we�re on our way�
Booker charges, and they
explode with a storm of rights. Rock off the ropes with a flying
clothesline, then Booker counters with a bicycle kick. A ref shows
up 30 seconds into the match as Booker stomps away. Into the
corner with some chops, then Rock powers out and unleashes some of
his own. Irish is reversed � Rock sucked into a heel kick.
Booker mounts and proceeds to pound away before getting pulled off
by the ref. Another irish is reversed, but Rocky�s down too soon
and gets kicked. Booker off the ropes again � tossed to the
outside. Booker reverses a whip into the barricade, then drops
Rocky throat-first. More chops, then we�re back into the ring.
Leaping kick misses, then Rock hits the desperation DDT. They
struggle up at a count of 9, then Rock plays YOU CANNOT PUNCH THE
ROCK before unloading several rights and the SPIT PUNCH OF DOOM.
Booker back up, off the ropes and into the belly-to-belly toss �
cover gets 2. Booker ducks a right and pulls Rocky into a
clothesline. Kick to the gut leads into an AXE KICK. Spinaroonie
� Rock with a subsequent Fliparoonie � SPINEBUSTER! Cole
informs us Rock calls it a �Pinebuster�, so I guess we�ll go
ahead and call it that, despite the fact that it�s a fairly
routine maneuver that doesn�t really have any variation on it
beyond being used by Rocky. PINEBUSTER! An elbowpad gets tossed
� People�s Elbow � 1, 2 and 3 (4:58). Tremendously weak
ending to what was becoming a decent match. THUMBS
IN THE MIDDLE. Booker�s back to being Jobber No. 1.
Up Next: Triple H and
Stephanie visit a doctor and do a lot of smiling and nodding.
HALL! They�re Nazis! No! They�re Commies! They�re, uh�coming
to a theater near you? I give up.
Earlier Today: Some limey doc
hands an ultrasound picture to the proud couple. TRIPLE
H marvels as STEPHANIE
REALLY drives the point home, with babble about �nothing else
mattering� but the baby. WE GET IT, STEPH.
Meanwhile, KURT
ANGLE strolls down the hall pushing a baby carriage. Hear me
N Double Yo promo, complete
with �best of� moments from the WCW run. They�ll show up,
they�ll spray paint, Nash will drop people on their heads and
Hall will beat the shit out of drunken fans. Can�t wait, can ya?
The X Box Slam of the Week is
Kurt Angle costing Triple H his match on RAW with the Angleslam.
And here�s the man himself,
carriage in tow. Angle details the creation of his upcoming match
at No Way Out, and assures the crowd that a victory over Triple H
is �a gimme� en route to WrestleMania. Now, why Vince has the
power to create such a match and yet still feels he has no control
of his company is beyond our mere mortal minds. Oh well, sometimes
a lethal injection of poison is just for fun. Angle feels his
match should have caused quite a stir, but it was unfairly
overshadowed by Stephanie�s announcement. �Now, I�ve never
felt sorry for a baby before, not until Monday night. Imagine
having to go through life with Triple H as your father. I mean,
even as a fetus the kid�s smarter than his dad.� He continues
by painting a portrait of H as a Neanderthal, complete with a
spot-on impersonation, and introducing the world to Triple H Jr.
� a stuffed monkey with oversized plastic nose. He presents
�Triple H Jr.� with a present � baby bananas that are
�that damn good� � and MA is being LO�d something fierce.
Triple H finally shows up, most likely because he�s done
chuckling, and lays Angle out with a right and the first-ever
carriageshot. Boot, boot, boot, boot, boot, then Angle scampers
The Subway Slam of the Week is
Edge intercepting Regal�s attempted knuck-job on Rikishi and the
subsequent Stink Face. X Box seems to have more concrete knowledge
of what a �slam� is.
We�re taken to last Monday,
where Goldust viciously assaulted RVD�s testicles in a testament
to my powers of prognostication. The more and more I think about
it, the worse this idea is. RVD has a tough time clicking with
anyone except Jericho and the Dudleys, and its taken top
mainstream guys like Austin and Angle to pull something decent out
of the guy. Dustin Rhodes might just be a disaster waiting to
happen. Cut to Rob Zombie in the audience, who is all �yeah,
good to be here,� and stuff. Big melee to start, then everyone
spills out leaving D-Von to hit the twisting elbow off the ropes
on RVD. Whip into a corner, then D-Von charges as Van Dam gets the
leg up. D-Von stops short � tries a lariat � RVD ducking and
jumping into a hurricanrana. Quick crossbody out of the corner
gets 2. Spinning heel kick #1 misses � Spinning heel kick #2
connects. Tag to Edge � double whip into the ropes � spinning
heel kick from Edge. D-Von reverses the next whip into a corner,
then charges into a boot. Dropkick off the second turnbuckle from
Edge gets 2, and I guess the two young SUPERSTARS are playing
dueling banjos. Edge gets tossed into the heel corner but delivers
some elbows for Bubba and Regal. D-Von hasn�t learned ANYTHING
because he charges into ANOTHER boot, but Bubba and Regal trip
Edge up and wishbone him on the post. Edge squeals like a pig. Get
it? Banjos, squealing like a pig�ah, fuck it. Regal�s in to
stomp away, but Edge hits a crossbody off a whip into the ropes.
Regal�s out at 2, then delivers a knee of the ropes. Cover for
another 2, then a whip into the turnbuckles chest-first. Forearm
to the back and a tag to Bubba - right, right, elbow, elbow,
double axehandle. Tag to D-Von and Edge busts out some desperation
rights before being pounded into the corner. Attempted Final
Curtain (!) � Edge flipping out and nailing the single-arm
facebuster. Simultaneous crawling � simultaneous tags to Bubba
and Rikishi. Rikishi destroys everyone, then nails the Samoan Drop
on Bubba. 1, 2, NO. Regal gets tossed outside, D-Von eats a
superkick, then Bubba clotheslines Rikishi (and himself) out. Back
in, Van Dam nails a kick off the top on D-Von, then it�s ROLLING
THUNDER. Regal shows up just in time, catching RVD off-guard and
unleashing a double-underhook powerbomb. SPEAR out of the corner
from Edge, then Bubba�s in to add some legality to the match.
Edge driven into the STEEL post shoulder-first � Rikishi in with
the Assalanche on Bubba. He teeters, he totters, he tosses salad.
Too much celebrating by Rikishi, however, as D-Von�s back in to
set-up 3D. Pinfall goes down at 5:06. Another weak ending, but
plenty of fun stuff. THUMBS
IN THE MIDDLE. As usual, RVD kicks 8 different kinds of ass,
then fucks them until they love him. Post-match festivities
include the Duds holding Edge while Regal delivers the knucks to
the gut, apparently popping a kidney or something as Edge begins
gushing from the mouth. Regal Stretch finishes things off nicely
as RVD shows up looking semi-concerned. Maybe Goldust missed his
More N Double Yo promotional
advertising. I personally can�t wait for Hogan/Wight 2.
JUST TOO MUCH! More whining, then Jericho calls Austin a
�dumbass� and challenges him to step out. STONE
COLD WILL SASSO emerges, and I guess this is going to be the
second �comedy bit as PPV build-up� bit tonight. At least
Sasso does a sensational Austin. They go through the basics of
journalism until STONE COLD
STEVE AUSTIN finally shows up, most likely because he�s done
chuckling. He�s not TOO angry, though, because he�s got time
to pose. Austin assesses the situation as only he can, tosses
Jericho out along with his �little belts�, then shares a few
cold ones with Sasso. He makes Sasso promise to never to do it
again, then stuns him. If Sasso/Hart was �*, this was easily a �*.
Meanwhile, AL
SNOW psyches up MAVEN,
who challenges The Undertaker for the Hardcore title tonight.
Funny line from Snow: �Hey, if things go really bad, I�ve got
the car runnin�, it�s gassed up, I�ll get you outta there as
quick as I can, get ya shoved in there and get you off to the
hospital.� And he walks off. The segment would have been perfect
if the camera panned down to a puddle of urine forming around
Maven�s feet.
More N Double Yo from 6 year
Another guest shot in the
audience, this time of Paulina from Tough Enough. To think she
came SO CLOSE to the occasional appearance at WWF New York. It�s
heartbreaking. Meanwhile, Chris Jericho gets stopped in the hall
by RIC FLAIR. Flair
likes the sound of a WrestleMania preview tonight�Jericho and
The God of Thunder in a non-title match. Pouting ensues.
Maven�s out with Al Snow as
we flashback to the Rumble and the elimination heard �round the
world. �Taker rides out along with a flashback to RAW 2 weeks
ago, where Maven received the chair to the throat. Lawler informs
us that Maven asked for the match. MAVEN IS A MAN! �Taker
slo-owly removes the shades, then stalks Maven into the corner.
Snow comes up with a trashcan lid � Maven somersaults over to
grab it � one, two, three, four lidshots. �Taker brushes them
off and hits a reverse elbow, then tosses Maven into the corner.
Some rights and some knees, then a whip into the opposite corner
and a clothesline. Maven rolling away from an elbowdrop � Snow
rolling in the trashcan over to his student � �Taker with the
PUNCH into the trashcan, sending Maven to the mat. Now �Taker
gets ready to go to town with the can, but Snow pulls Maven out.
Undie follows and delivers some stomps and knees, then they head
back to the ring. Trashcan beating ensues, then Snow pulls Maven
out again. Undie ain�t having it, as he�s out to pound away on
Snow. He tosses him over the barricade and rolls a bleeding Maven
back in. Setting up for The Last Ride � Snow�s in with the
ringbell to the gut! Right � right � into a roll-up by Maven!
1, 2, NO! BIG boot sends Snow over and out, then Maven goes to the
top but falls into the chokeslam. �TAKER IS PISSED. Cover would
get 3, but Undie pulls away and decides that grinding his forearm
into Maven�s face is the better way to go. Then we proceed to
the next logical maneuver, a DRAGON SLEEPER. Cue Rocky and his
steel chair, then it�s Rock Bottom. Maven crawls over for the
pin at 5:32. THUMBS IN THE
MIDDLE. Fantastic bit of imagery as The Rock looks on solemnly
while Maven, Snow and the crowd celebrate. Sort of a passing of
the torch, except Maven won�t really be capable of running with
it for at least 5 years.
Even MORE N Double Yo
goodness. There�s a bit in the montage where Kevin Nash pulled
off one of his funnier lines. Reclining, he engages in some casual
conversation with Hall: �You know something? We�re like
modern-day gladiators. (Pause) We do battle.�
Moments Ago: Maven is firmly
placed into a division where he can do what he does best � SELL,
SELL, SELL! And bleed.
and CHUCK engage in a
posedown with TORRIE WILSON
and STACY KEIBLER. As if there were any doubt, Lawler is master of
ceremonies. Highlights include Torrie�s bikini, Billy and Chuck
rubbing their asses together to German techno and Torrie caressing
Stacy�s thighs. Quite the sight to behold. Torrie and Stacy
�win� according to audience vote, then engage in a catfight
when Stacy thinks Torrie�s being a glory hog. Some may wonder
what the point of this all is. Some may realize there�s a locker
room full of giggling professional wrestlers loving every minute
of it. Can you think of two guys more deserving of this fate?
The Tobacco is Whacko Whack of
the Night is Jazz taking home the WWF Women�s championship with
a devastating Fisherman�s Buster. It took Jazz 10 matches to
figure THAT out?
Back in VINCE
McMAHON�s office, Triple H interrupts Vince�s presumably N
Double Yo-related phone call. Long story short, he despises Vince
but has been sent by Stephanie to ask him to walk her down the
aisle Monday night. Vince says he�ll think about it, while
Triple H touches on the pregnancy. �Think about this - you will
never get anywhere near my child�grampa.� McMahon: �think
about this�think about the fact that tonight it�s not just a
one-on-one match with Jericho. You�re competing against both
Jericho�and Kurt Angle. You�ve got yourself a handicap
match.� Game, set and match. Again, Vince seems to have things
pretty much in hand. So he�s sweating Flair WHY?
And on that note, MORE N
We�re back to Cuntrag and
the King, then David F�ing Arquette sneaks in some camera time
with a �FORMER WORLD CHAMP� sign in the front row behind them.
Backstage, Jonathon Coachman
catches up with The Rock. He wonders if the two of them are
�even�. �We ain�t even this week, we ain�t even next
week, and at No Way Out�� and before Rock can even promo the
PPV, �Taker�s over to chokeslam him on the hood of the car and
Tombstone him on the roof. Michael Cole screams, �OH MY GOD NO!
Moments Ago: What would you
like on your tombstone?
Rocky gets the stretcher
treatment as Cole tells us ALL ABOUT how the Tombstone is
�rarely used as of late.� An invaluable resource, that man.
� Handicap Match
We begin on the outside with H
clotheslining Jericho over the barricade and tossing Angle into
the ring. DDT gets 2, then H stomps a mudhole in the corner.
Jericho�s in to get one of his own, but Angle nails a
belly-to-back. When he tries for rolling Olympics, H elbows out
because HE�S THAT DAMN POWERFUL. Jericho hits a forearm, then
goes irish � reversed � into an elbow from H. Angle follows
that up with his own elbow to the back, then sets H up on the
apron for a springboard dropkick from Jericho. Back to the outside
for some announce table-assisted assault, then a double toss into
the steel steps. Jericho rolling H in for the Angle cover, but H
is out at 2. Into the corner, where Jericho holds H open for some
rights. First legit tag from Angle to Jericho � chops and kicks
in the corner. Jericho turns away and gives H enough time for the
desperation spear out of the corner, into some rights. To the
ropes � Jericho off with a flying forearm. Into an attempted
Walls of Jericho, but H kicks him off and into Angle. Small
package gets 2, then Jericho is back up with some rights and
chops. Tag to Angle, and he goes to work in another corner. BIG
chops, then a whip into the opposite corner � charging into a
BOOT. H runs right into an overhead belly-to-belly, and it�s
STRAPS DOWN! ANKLELOCK! H rolls out, sending Angle right over to
Jericho for the tag. Kick to the gut � scoop and a slam �
elbow off the ropes. H out of a cover at 2. Tag to Angle and they
double team in the corner � double whip into the opposite
corner. Angle slingshots Jericho towards H, but H sidesteps and
Jericho gets posted. HIGH KNEE on Angle � neckbreaker!
Jericho�s back in to get clotheslined � SPINEBUSTER! Angle
charges and gets tossed out, then H slaps on THE WALLS OF THOR!
Angle in with a kick, but H grabs hold � ANKLELOCK! Jericho
breaks it up from behind and sends H into the ropes � attempted
dropkick gets turned into a SLINGSHOT, sending Jericho over and
out! Angle on the attack with some rights and whip into the ropes
� KNEE OF DOOM from H! He tries a KICK WHAM PEDIGREE but
Jericho�s off the top � DROPKICK into Angle! FEEL THE
STUPIDITY! BIG clothesline on Jericho sends him out once again �
H trying the pedigree again � Jericho back in with a chair!
Swing and a miss, then it�s a KICK WHAM ALMOST PEDIGREE nixed by
an ANGLESLAM ONTO THE CHAIR! Cover gets 3 (7:03). So basically, it
took the Undisputed Champion, Kurt Angle and a steel chair to put
away Triple H. Fairly sexy handicap match gets a THUMBS IN THE MIDDLE leaning towards �up�. Stephanie is in to
tend to her man, then Jericho and Angle corner her with thoughts
of miscarriage on their minds. Triple H goes NORSE on their ass
with a steel chair, but Angle�s in for one last shove that sends
Triple H toppling over on top of Stephanie. She gets up slowly and
assures him she�s okay, but we�re left wondering �what
Everything about this show
screamed THUMBS IN THE MIDDLE. The N Double Yo stuff really didn�t move
along, despite the massive amounts of promo clips, and so we�re
left with the pregnancy angle dominating things. At this point, it
can go either way � an angle that does a great job of really
firing up the main event at WrestleMania � or an ill-conceived
storyline that leaves everyone looking like a chump when it�s
all said and done. Still looks like a good PPV upcoming, despite
little build and a large portion of the roster still wandering
around aimlessly.
next week, you should buy stuff for Scott Keith, because
in-between �working� you and talking down to you, he�s one
hell of a guy. Plus, he liked Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back
enough to want to own it, proving that the object of one mindless
fanboy�s desire is always just another mindless fanboy. BONZO
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