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"MUTOMBO NOW LEARNING THAT IT'S REALLY MONEY THAT TALKS.(Sports)." Albany Times Union (Albany, NY). Hearst Communications Inc. 1991. HighBeam Research. 29 Jan. 2012 <>.
"MUTOMBO NOW LEARNING THAT IT'S REALLY MONEY THAT TALKS.(Sports)." Albany Times Union (Albany, NY). 1991. HighBeam Research. (January 29, 2012).
"MUTOMBO NOW LEARNING THAT IT'S REALLY MONEY THAT TALKS.(Sports)." Albany Times Union (Albany, NY). Hearst Communications Inc. 1991. Retrieved January 29, 2012 from HighBeam Research:
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Byline: Bill Barnard Associated Press
Dikembe Mutombo can speak four African languages, English, French and Portuguese, and is picking up Spanish. After tonight's National Basketball Association draft (TNT, 7:30 p.m.), he can learn another one - the language of money.
The 7-foot-2 center from Zaire and Georgetown is virtually certain to be one of the top four picks in the draft, which guarantees he will soon be a millionaire. He is a longshot for No.1 - only if Charlotte backs away from its expected selection of UNLV's Larry Johnson could he go that high.
Mutombo has hired ProServ and David Falk to handle his contract negotiations and help him manage his money. Despite the riches to come, Mutombo doesn't expect to convert to a flashy lifestyle.
"I'm not going to buy 10 or 11 cars and wear gold; I just wasn't raised that way," said Mutombo, who moved to the United States from Africa five years ago. "I've been reading the books they use to teach at Harvard Business School. I plan to put most of my money in the bank."
Mutombo, whose parents have been staying with him for a month after a five-year separation, said he …
Jet; March 12, 2001
The Washington Post; June 29, 1998
Jet; May 19, 1997
M2 Presswire; October 20, 2011
States News Service; October 20, 2011
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