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SGDTM is a scientific
database of the molecular biology and genetics of the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which is commonly known as baker's
or budding yeast.
New and Noteworthy |
Gene Descriptions to include only published information
- April 29, 2009
SGD no longer includes unpublished information in the Description field on the main Locus Summary pages. In the past, unpublished information submitted with new gene name reservations was sometimes included in the Description field. Now, such information is shown in a Reserved Name Note, which is displayed on the Locus History pages (accessible via a tab at the top of the Locus Summary pages), along with the unpublished reference. All of the information in the Description fields on Locus Summary pages is derived from the published references cited in the Description.
SGD Curation News |
SGD Publication in New Database Journal
- April 2, 2009
An article describing SGD's new mutant phenotype curation system (HTML | PDF) has been published in the inaugural issue of the journal Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation. The article, "New mutant phenotype data curation system in the Saccharomyces Genome Database," explains how mutant phenotype data are collected from the literature, organized, stored, and displayed at SGD, and describes how SGD users can download and search phenotype data.
New SGD Tutorial developed by OpenHelix
- March 25, 2009
OpenHelix has released a comprehensive SGD Online Tutorial that describes many features of SGD and is freely accessible to users. The tutorial discusses organization and navigation of the SGD site, with particular emphasis on the Locus Summary pages. It explains SGD search tools and how to perform different kinds of searches, as well as some of the many internal and external resources accessible from SGD. Slides and exercises are also available for download. The SGD Tutorial is part of a larger suite of Free Tutorials on Model Organism Databases developed by OpenHelix and funded in part by NHGRI.
SGD Links to PhylomeDB
- March 6, 2009
Links to the PhylomeDB database, which displays phylogenies of S. cerevisiae genes as described in Marcet-Houben and Gabaldon (2009) PLoS ONE 4:e4357, have been added to the "Comparison Resources" pull-down menu on the Locus Summary pages of all protein-coding genes. See Huerta-Cepas et al., (2008) Nucleic Acids Res 36:D491 for more information about the PhylomeDB database. Thanks to Toni Gabaldon for help in setting up these links.
Rudolf Schweyen, 1941-2009
- March 4, 2009
The yeast community mourns the loss of Dr. Rudolf Schweyen, who passed away on February 15th, 2009. Dr. Schweyen was a leader in yeast research, working on mitochondrial mRNA splicing early in his career and later studying metal transport across both the mitochondrial and plasma membranes. He had been a Professor of Genetics at the University of Vienna for nearly 25 years, most recently as the Head of the Department of Genetics. He was deeply committed to teaching and to expanding opportunities for younger scientists, and will be remembered for his kindness and generosity both as a scientist and as a person. A full obituary is available at the website of the Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna.
Memorial website for Rudolf Schweyen
Sequence and Annotation Updates
- February 23, 2009
SGD curators periodically update the systematic sequence and its annotation. Information regarding changes can be found via the Summary of Chromosome Sequence and Annotation Updates and in the "Locus History" pages of affected features. Files on the SGD FTP site are updated weekly.
Between 2009-02-17 and 2009-02-20, the sequence of Chromosome X was updated, affecting ORF SSY5/YJL156C; and the annotations of ORF SIR1/YKR101W on Chromosome XI, and the ACS element within ARS318 on Chromosome III were updated.
SGD Quarterly Newsletter
- February 3, 2009
SGD sends out its quarterly newsletter to colleagues
designated as contacts in SGD. An HTML version of the newsletter is available. If you would like to receive this letter in the future please use the SGD Colleague Submission/Update form to let us know.
SGD links to UniPROBE
- February 3, 2009
Links to the UniPROBE database, which displays DNA binding specificities of known and predicted transcription factors, have been added to the "Interactions" and "Functional Analysis" pull-down menus on the Locus Summary pages of 89 known and predicted S. cerevisiae transcription factors described in Zhu et al., Genome Res. 2009. Also see Newburger and Bulyk, Nucleic Acids Res. 2009 for more information about the UniPROBE database. Thanks to Kimberly Robasky and Martha Bulyk for helping set up these links.
Update your bookmarks: new URLs at SGD
- January 30, 2009
We have migrated the SGD web site to new computers. This upgrade greatly improved the speed of displaying our Locus Summary pages but required many of the SGD URLs to be changed. Please update your bookmarks for SGD pages. If you are experiencing any problems accessing SGD, please contact us.
SGD links to new external resources
- January 26, 2009
Links to the CYC2008 (Curated Yeast Complexes 2008) resource, a manually curated catalog of S. cerevisiae protein complexes, have been added to the "Interactions" pull-down menu on the Locus Summary page and to the Protein Info pages. See Pu et al. Nucleic Acids Res. 2008 for more information. Thanks to Shuye Pu and Shoshana Wodak for helping set up these links.
Links to the PhosphoPep database, which contains MS-derived phosphorylation data for the proteins of four model organisms including S. cerevisiae, have been added to the "Protein Info & Structure" pull-down menu on the Locus Summary page and to the Protein Info pages. See Bodenmiller et al. Nat Biotechnol. 2008 for more information. Thanks to Bernd Bodenmiller and Dave Campbell for help in setting up the links.
Links to the PlasmID repository, which distributes over 5,200 fully sequence-verified S. cerevisiae genes in Gateway entry and expression vectors, have been added to the External Links section of Phenotype Details pages for individual genes in SGD. The PlasmID repository is part of the DF/HCC DNA Resource Core at the Harvard Institute of Proteomics at Harvard Medical School. Thanks to Catherine Cormier for informing SGD about this resource.
Previous New and Noteworthy items are listed in
What's New in SGD in 2009?
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The Saccharomyces Genome
Database (SGDTM) project is supported
by a P41 grant, National Resources [HG001315], from the
National Human Genome Research
Institute at the US National
Institutes of Health. The SGDTM project is located in the Department of Genetics at the
School of Medicine,
Stanford University. The
trademark on SGDTM is held by The
Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Junior University.
Database Copyright © 1997-2008 The
Board of Trustees, Leland Stanford Junior University. Permission to
use the information contained in this database was given by the
researchers/institutes who contributed or published the
information. Users of the database are solely responsible for
compliance with any copyright restrictions, including those
applying to the author abstracts. Documents from this server are
provided "AS-IS" without any warranty, expressed or implied.
How to cite SGD.