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CGH Whole-Genome & Custom Fine-Tiling Microarrays and Services CGH HD2 Launch CGH 4-Plex CGH HD2 HG18

Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization (aCGH) measures DNA copy number differences between a reference genome and your sample genome. NimbleGen offers two high-definition aCGH products: whole-genome aCGH and fine-tiling aCGH. Whole-genome aCGH measures copy number differences in DNA across entire genomes, while fine-tiling aCGH determines breakpoints at ultrahigh resolution in DNA targets located in any subset of DNA (either a contiguous region or many different regions of interest).

Key features of NimbleGen’s microarrays - ultra-high density and long oligo probes - yield a powerful, high-definition aCGH platform for whole genome analysis. With the flexibility of NimbleGen array synthesis, chromosomal aberrations identified in whole-genome surveys can be readily examined at even higher resolution with custom fine-tiling aCGH. Such studies can map genomic changes down to the gene and even exon level and enable breakpoint mapping to less than 500bp intervals. NimbleGen’s aCGH detects both single and multiple copy changes.

Advantages and Applications

Highest Resolution aCGH

NimbleGen's high capacity microarrays contain 385,000 probes on a single glass slide. This feature density enables design of a human whole genome aCGH array with probes tiled through genic and intergenic regions at a median probe spacing of 6,000 bp. This tiling path array design approach ensures you get the complete picture on genome-wide copy number changes. Ultra-high resolution detection of small deletions and amplifications, as well as breakpoint mapping to less than 500bp can be achieved using NimbleGen’s custom fine-tiling arrays. NimbleGen’s Human Whole Genome 385K v2.0 CGH array includes enhanced probe coverage in low-copy repeat regions (e.g. segmental duplications) for more comprehensive detection of CNVs and CNV breakpoints (see figure below).

High-Res Mapping

Comparison of version 1.0 versus version 2.0 Human Whole Genome aCGH
CGH analysis of gDNA isolated from a Burkitt lymphoma cell line (Coriell #NA04671) vs. normal human gDNA (pool of 6 individuals). Roche NimbleGen’s HG18 WG Tiling 385K CGH v2.0 array includes new substrate chemistry for improved data quality (top panel) and expanded probe coverage in low-copy repeat regions such as segmental duplications (bottom panel). Log2 ratio data from the HG18 WG Tiling 385K CGH v1.0 and v2.0 arrays are displayed in Roche NimbleGen’s SignalMapTM software in parallel to annotation tracks showing known genes and segmental duplications, as reported in the UCSC genome browser.

Isothermal (Tm-Balanced), Long-Oligonucleotide Probes and New Substrate Chemistry

NimbleGen's exclusive isothermal array design approach enables uniform probe performance, eliminating hybridization artifacts and/or bias and providing higher quality data. Thus, probes are selected to perform equivalently at a given stringency in the genomic regions your experiments require, including AT- and GC-rich regions. For all aCGH products, we offer new substrate chemistry for improved data quality and a complete suite of annotation files based on the HG18 human genome build.

Complete Suite of HG18 Annotation Files (Free Download)

  • Known Genes: Indicates all genes for build HG18 as reported in the UCSC Genome browser ( Genes annotated above the baseline in each track represent features identified on the sense strand, while entries below the baseline represent features identified on the antisense strand.
  • Exon-Intron Boundaries: Indicates the exon-intron boundaries of all genes in build HG18 as reported in the UCSC Genome browser. Exons are denoted as dark blue bars, and introns are denoted as light blue bars.
  • Transcription Start Sites: Indicates all transcription initiation sites for build HG18 as reported in the UCSC Genome browser.
  • Structural Variants: Displays all copy number variants as reported in the Database of Genomic Variants (
  • Cytogenetic Ideogram: Displays the cytogenetic bands, in grayscale format, for each chromosome as reported in the UCSC Genome browser.
  • miRNA: Indicates all miRNAs as reported in the miRBase database ( Each feature represents the entire hairpin sequence for the miRNA.
  • Segmental Duplications: Displays regions of genomic duplication >1 kb in size and with > 90T sequence identity after masking high-copy repeat regions (Bailey, et al. Genome Res 2001. 11:1005-17) as reported in the UCSC Genome browser. The level of similarity is indicated as follows: light to dark gray bars = 90-98% similarity, light to dark yellow bars = 98-99% similarity, light to dark orange bars = >99% similarity; red = duplications of >98% that lack sufficient evidence in the Segmental Duplications database.

Custom aCGH

NimbleGen's highly flexible Maskless Array Synthesis technology enables rapid prototyping of new array designs. This flexibility enables cost-effective aCGH design for your organism of interest at the whole-genome level or focused on specific chromosomal regions.

Most Up-to-date Genome Build

NimbleGen CGH arrays are always current with the latest genome builds, so there's no need to put your experiments on hold for a new array design. In addition, you can continue to access array designs based on past genome data builds, which can be particularly useful for comparisons to prior studies.

NimbleGen aCGH is a significant advancement over current aCGH methods for the detection of DNA copy number changes and mapping of the associated breakpoints. While these changes are commonly recognized as the underlying basis for many congenital disorders and complex diseases (such as cancer), variation in copy number is also commonly found between healthy individuals. Characterizing normal versus aberrant chromosomal differences will be key to understanding the molecular mechanisms for a given disease.

NimbleGen aCGH provides the highest level resolution for detecting a wide range of copy number changes on either a genome-wide or fine-tiling level, including:

  • Homozygous and hemizygous deletions
  • Single and multiple copy amplifications
  • Unbalanced translocations

High Sample Throughput

Increase your sample throughput by hybridizing up to 4 independent test and reference pairs per slide. With 72,000 probes/array, you can scan through the human genome at approximately 40kb median spacing, or design a custom array to target only the regions you are interested in.

aCGH Product Applications

Human Whole-Genome aCGH

With a capacity of 385,000 isothermal probes, NimbleGen's high-density, long oligo arrays span the entire non-repetitive regions of the human genome in a single array, tiling the entire genome at a median probe spacing of 6,000bp. NimbleGen's Human Whole-Genome aCGH, available as a catalog design, is a cost-effective platform for genome-wide analysis of copy number changes. Unlike other commercial whole-genome aCGH platforms, NimbleGen's Human Whole-Genome aCGH tiles through both genic and intergenic regions of the genome, providing the most thorough, unbiased coverage available.

Figure A: Human Whole-Genome aCGH
Genome-wide chromosomal gains and losses were detected in a human cancer cell line by whole-genome aCGH. Data are processed with a 60kb averaging window and displayed as a log2 ratio plot.

Focused Fine-Tiling

Figure B: Focused Fine-tiling Validation
A region of copy number variation in chromosome 6 identified by whole-genome aCGH is confirmed by fine-tiling aCGH using a high-resolution chromosome 6 microarray (400bp median probe spacing). A zoom view of an amplified region (indicated by the blue box) depicts the distal breakpoint of the copy number gain and shows additional copy number variants ranging in size from 6kb to 70kb. Annotation tracks showing known transcripts and regions of normal copy number variation are also displayed in the zoom-in.

Custom Fine-Tiling aCGH

NimbleGen's Custom Fine-Tiling aCGH can be used to detect deletions and amplifications and to map the associated breakpoints with unprecedented resolution. You can choose your region(s) of interest for a fine-tiling array design with probes spaced as dense as 10bp. This density of probe placement enables ultra-high resolution mapping of breakpoints to an interval that can be validated by PCR amplification and sequencing. The selected regions need not be contiguous or even within the same chromosome. For example, the copy number changes identified in a whole-genome aCGH experiment can be combined and tiled at higher resolution on a Custom Fine-Tiling CGH Array.

High-Res Mapping

Figure C: High-Resolution Mapping of Chromosomal Imbalances with Fine-Tiling aCGH
Chromosomal abnormalities in two patients with common developmental disorders were analyzed by high-resolution, tiling path aCGH [Sharp, et al. (2006) Nature Genetics 38:1038-1042] as shown in the SignalMap data browser. Two large chromosome deletions, shown in the bottom two tracks, are plotted in parallel to annotation tracks indicating Known Genes (first track) and Normal CNVs (second track). The regions of deletion indicated by the red horizontal bars were determined by segmentation analysis of the log2 ratio values. It is noteworthy that the distal breakpoints in both tracks do not coincide with previously reported copy number polymorphisms (second track) or SNPs (not shown) and would have been difficult to detect without the high-density and high-sensitivity capabilities unique to NimbleGen.

With high-resolution array designs, the breakpoints are validated with ease by the selection of PCR primers in close proximity to the identified breakpoints. Other approaches such as tiling path BAC arrays or lower density arrays lack the resolution to fine-map breakpoints to this level of resolution.

Multiallelic CNVs

Figure D: Detection of Multiallelic Copy Number Variants in Human Genomes
High-resolution CGH analysis of genomic DNA from seven individuals demonstrates the power of NimbleGen fine-tiling aCGH to detect the fullrange of multiallelic copy number variation. Fine-tiling through 134 distinct loci at high density (8bp median probe spacing) revealed two regions of copy number variation on chromosome 3 (highlighted in blue). Displayed in the UCSC Genome Browser, copy number variant 2 (CNV2) was predicted from HapMap data [Conrad, et al. (2006) Nature Genetics 38:75-81]. In contrast, CNV1 was not predicted from HapMap data and represents a region of copy number variation previously identified by fosmid mapping [Tuzun, et al. (2005) Nature Genetics 37:727-32] and BAC aCGH but not by commercially available 25mer genotyping arrays [Redon, et al. (2006) Nature 444:444-454]. Analysis of CNV1 using NimbleGen's fine-tiling arrays revealed a multi-copy amplification (samples 1 and 4), no change in copy number (sample 5), a heterozygous deletion (sample 6), and a homozygous deletion (sample 7).

Delivery and Service Options

CGH Array Delivery

Customers can purchase catalog arrays or custom arrays from NimbleGen and perform the array experiments at their own laboratories or core facilities. NimbleGen arrays are synthesized on standard-sized glass microscope slides and are compatible with a range of hybridization, washing and scanning instrumentation. NimbleGen provides a complete user’s guide to support customers with sample processing, array hybridization, scanning, data extraction and analysis. Please contact NimbleGen for a list of required equipment and reagents. NimbleGen provides NimbleScan™ and SignalMap™ software to CGH array delivery customers, which enables the same data analysis and visualization to be performed as in the full service mode. NimbleGen also offers a training program to get you up and running with NimbleGen arrays quickly.

1-plex aCGH Array Specifications
Probe Lengths 50-75mer (version 1.0)
60mer (version 2.0)
# Features/Array 385,000
Overall Slide Dimensions 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Array Size 17.4mm x 13mm
Feature Size 16μm x 16μm
4-plex aCGH Array Specifications
Probe Lengths 50-75mer
# Features/Array 72,000
Overall Slide Dimensions 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Array Size (7.8mm x 5.7mm) x 4 arrays
Feature Size 16μm x 16μm

CGH Array Service

NimbleGen's CGH Microarray Service consists of the following steps:
  1. Customer and NimbleGen create custom array design, and NimbleGen manufactures the array.
  2. Customer supplies 2.5μg purified, undegraded sample and reference genomic DNA (Roche NimbleGen can provide a male or female gDNA reference sample if no reference is provided by the customer).
  3. NimbleGen labels the sample, performs the CGH hybridization, scans the array, extracts the data, and performs the segmentation analysis.
Sample Requirements
Probe Design Format Tiled throughout genome on forward strand. Repeat sequences masked.
Sample Required / Array 2.5μg isolated gDNA test sample
2.5μg isolated gDNA reference sample
Sample Labeling 2 color (Cy3 and Cy5)
Sequence Source UCSC Genome Browser -
Deliverables Raw and processed data, segmentation analysis, SignalMap™ data browser
Data Delivery

The data delivered with NimbleGen's aCGH service includes:

  • Raw data
  • Normalized data
  • Segmentation analysis based on the segMNT v1.1 algorithm
  • Segmentation data in GFF, PDF, and TXT formats
  • Gene annotation GFF files
  • SignalMap™ GFF visualization software

Data sets are provided in GFF file format for easy data set analysis with the SignalMap™ data browser software. SignalMap displays the segmentation analysis in relation to the known state of sequence annotation, including genes, exons, and repetitive elements.

How is NimbleGen array technology different from other platforms? NimbleGen manufactures custom, high-density DNA microarrays using its proprietary Maskless Array Synthesizer (MAS) technology. At the heart of the system is a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) that uses a solid-state array of miniature aluminum mirrors to create “virtual masks” that replace the physical chromium masks used in traditional arrays. The DMD directs a pattern of UV light projected onto a microscope slide, which when coupled with UV-mediated DNA synthesis in a parallel, combinatorial manner, can generate 385,000 to 2.1 million unique probes on a single microarray.
How is the version 2.0 aCGH a better design than version 1.0? Segmental duplications are more reliably detected due to enhanced probe coverage in low-copy repeat regions on the version 2.0 product.
How many probes are included on a single array? 385,000 probes on our current array format; 2.1M probe format available in 2008.
Does NimbleGen offer aCGH in a multiplex format? Our current 385K array format is available in 4-plex (72K).
What is the resolution of your arrays? Effective resolution varies according to the spacing of individual probes (generally 5-10x the median probe spacing). Our human whole-genome designs provide 5-50 kb resolution depending on the array platform (385K vs. 2.1M feature format). Custom fine-tiling arrays enable greater probe density in specificied regions and breakpoint mapping down to 10-100bp.
Do NimbleGen array designs include non-coding regions of the genome? Yes - NimbleGen offers unbiased tiling-path whole-genome designs that include genic and intergenic regions.
Can NimbleGen design an array tailored to my specific research needs? Yes - specify regions of interest and NimbleGen will design a custom array to meet your research needs.
What resolution scanner do I need? A scanner with 5μm resolution is required.
Can NimbleGen aCGH distinguish single vs. multi-copy amplifications? Yes.
Sample Processing
What are the sample requirements for aCGH? NimbleGen recommends 2.5μg of high-quality unamplified gDNA.
What protocol does NimbleGen recommend for DNA isolation? Any protocol that provides high-quality gDNA.
What reference sample should I use? There are several options for choosing a reference sample. For example, for cancer studies choose a patient's own DNA (e.g. tumor vs. germline), DNA from a single individual, or pooled DNA from several individuals (NimbleGen can provide pooled male or female DNA).
Array Design
Are NimbleGen designs up-to-date with the latest genome builds? Yes, NimbleGen technology allows the rapid production of new array designs based on the latest genome builds.
Are designs based on earlier genome builds available? Yes.
Does NimbleGen offer non-human aCGH designs? Yes - NimbleGen offers catalog designs for a wide range of organisms. In addition, NimbleGen can generate custom designs for any genome (or region of genome) for which high-quality sequence is available.
Does NimbleGen use only non-unique probes? Generally only unique probes are included in array designs. However, NimbleGen can easily generate array designs that contain probes representing non-unique regions of the genome (e.g. segmental duplication).
Data Analysis
What software do I need to view my data? NimbleGen provides SignalMap data visualization software.
Can I analyze my data using other software programs? Yes - NimbleGen data can be viewed and analyzed using a variety of commercially available software programs.
Can I view my data in the UCSC genome browser? Yes.
How do I get gene annotation information? NimbleGen provides a gene annotation track corresponding to your design. Additional annotation tracks can be viewed in the UCSC genome browser.
Array Delivery
Can I purchase NimbleGen arrays for use in my own lab or core facility? Yes.
Which CGH designs are available for array delivery? All catalog and custom designs currently available for array service.
What kits are availble for use with NimbleGen microarrays? Hybridization, labeling, array re-use
Can I scan NimbleGen arrays using my Agilent scanner? Yes.
What software do I need to scan and analyze my data? NimbleGen provides array delivery customers with NimbleScan array scanning and analysis software.
Does NimbleGen offer training for array delivery customers? Yes - NimbleGen offers training on-site or at our Madison, WI location.
Can I strip the labeled sample and re-hybridize the microarray? Yes - NimbleGen offers an array re-use kit for stripping and re-hybridizing arrays.
Custom Arrays

Please contact NimbleGen Sales to request a quote or contact Technical Support with any questions about CGH custom array designs.

HD2 Custom Arrays
Custom HD2 CGH Single array/slide with 2,100,000 probes.
Source Customer-defined
Build Customer-defined
Probe Length 60mer
Probe Spacing Uniform or mixed-density
Design Options Custom tiling up to 2,100,000 probes per array. Single or multiple chromosomal regions per array. Single or multiple array designs.
Feature Size 13μm x 13μm
Array Size 62mm x 14mm
Overall Slide Dimensions 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
4-Plex Custom Arrays
Custom 4 X 72K CGH Four arrays/slide with 72K probes each.
Source Customer-defined
Build Customer-defined
Probe Length 50 - 75mer
Probe Spacing Uniform or mixed-density
Design Options Custom tiling up to 385,000 probes per array. Single or multiple chromosomal regions per array. Single or multiple array designs.
Feature Size 16μm x 16μm
Array Size 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
385K Custom Arrays
Custom 385K CGH Single array/slide with 385K probes.
Source Customer-defined
Build Customer-defined
Probe Length 50 - 75mer
Probe Spacing Uniform or mixed-density
Design Options Custom tiling up to 385,000 probes per array. Single or multiple chromosomal regions per array. Single or multiple array designs.
Feature Size 16μm x 16μm
Array Size 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
HD2 Catalog Tiling Arrays
Homo sapiens (Whole Genome Tiling Array) New Design!
Source: UCSC
Build: HG18, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 60mer
Median Probe Spacing: 1169bp
Platform: HD2
Probes per Array: 2,100,000
Feature Size: 13μm x 13μm
Array Dimensions: 62mm x 14mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Version
B7074-00-01 HG18 WG Tiling 2.1M CGH v2.0D Whole Genome Tiling Array 2.0D
4-Plex Catalog Tiling Arrays
Organism: Homo sapiens
Source: UCSC
Build: HG18, NCBI 36
Probes per Array: 72,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Size: 7.8mm x 5.7mm x 4 arrays
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Format Version Probe Length Median Probe Spacing
HG18 CGH 4x72K WG Tiling v2.0 Whole Genome Tiling Array 4-plex 2.0 60mer 40046bp
385K Catalog Tiling Arrays
Bos taurus
Source: Bovine Genome Project (Baylor College of Medicine)
Build: Btau3.1
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 5779bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B4491001-00-01 Btau31 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Caenorhabditis elegans
Source: UCSC
Build: CE2, WS120
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 137bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B2144001-00-01 CE2 WG CGH T Whole Genome Tiling Array
Canis familiaris
Source: NCBI
Build: canFam2, May 2005
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 4675bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B3679001-00-01 canFam2 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Danio rerio
Source: UCSC
Build: danRer4
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 3525bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B6057-00-01 Danio Zv6 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Drosophila melanogaster
Source: UCSC
Build: DM2, April 2004
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 308bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B2440001-00-01 DM2 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Gallus gallus
Source: UCSC
Build: galGal3
Probe Length: 50mer
Median Probe Spacing: 2586bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B3791001-00-01 galGal3 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Homo sapiens (Chromosome Specific Arrays)
Source: UCSC
Build: HG18, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Median Probe spacing
B3732001-00-01 HG18 CHR1 FT Chromsome 1 Tiling Array 531
B3733001-00-01 HG18 CHR2 FT Chromsome 2 Tiling Array 575
B3734001-00-01 HG18 CHR3 FT Chromsome 3 Tiling Array 475
B3735001-00-01 HG18 CHR4 FT Chromsome 4 Tiling Array 450
B3736001-00-01 HG18 CHR5 FT Chromsome 5 Tiling Array 425
B3737001-00-01 HG18 CHR6 FT Chromsome 6 Tiling Array 404
B3738001-00-01 HG18 CHR7 FT Chromsome 7 Tiling Array 365
B3739001-00-01 HG18 CHR8 FT Chromsome 8 Tiling Array 341
B3740001-00-01 HG18 CHR9 FT Chromsome 9 Tiling Array 255
B3741001-00-01 HG18 CHR10 FT Chromsome 10 Tiling Array 305
B3742001-00-01 HG18 CHR11 FT Chromsome 11 Tiling Array 310
B3743001-00-01 HG18 CHR12 FT Chromsome 12 Tiling Array 310
B3744001-00-01 HG18 CHR13 FT Chromsome 13 Tiling Array 225
B3745001-00-01 HG18 CHR14 FT Chromsome 14 Tiling Array 200
B3746001-00-01 HG18 CHR15 FT Chromsome 15 Tiling Array 175
B3747001-00-01 HG18 CHR16 FT Chromsome 16 Tiling Array 165
B3748001-00-01 HG18 CHR17 FT Chromsome 17 Tiling Array 160
B3749001-00-01 HG18 CHR18 FT Chromsome 18 Tiling Array 170
B3750001-00-01 HG18 CHR19 FT Chromsome 19 Tiling Array 105
B3751001-00-01 HG18 CHR20 FT Chromsome 20 Tiling Array 134
B3752001-00-01 HG18 CHR21 FT Chromsome 21 Tiling Array 70
B3753001-00-01 HG18 CHR22 FT Chromsome 22 Tiling Array 65
B3754001-00-01 HG18 CHRX FT Chromsome X Tiling Array 340
B3755001-00-01 HG18 CHRY FT Chromsome Y Tiling Array 20
Homo sapiens (Whole Genome Tiling Arrays) New Design!
Source: UCSC
Build: HG18, NCBI 36
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Size: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Format Version Probe Length Median Probe Spacing
B4366-00-01 HG18 CGH 385K WG Tiling v1.0 Whole Genome Tiling Array 1-plex 1.0 50-75mer 6270bp
B6902-00-01 HG18 CGH 385K WG Tiling v2.0 Whole Genome Tiling Array 1-plex 2.0 60mer 7073bp
Homo sapiens (4 Array Whole Genome Tiling Set)
Source: UCSC
Build: HG18, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 1567bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Chromosome Tiling Start Tiling Stop
B3932-SET-01 HG18 WG CGH 4 Whole Genome 4 Array Set      
B3932-01-01 HG18 WG CGH 1 of 4 Array 1 of 4 chr1 45,154 247,190,973
      chr2 1,553 242,700,815
      chr3 35,826 199,430,979
      chr4 191 44,063,619
B3932-02-01 HG18 WG CGH 2 of 4 Array 2 of 4 chr4 44,065,200 191,262,464
      chr5 65,160 180,647,984
      chr6 93,003 170,890,757
      chr7 114,766 158,821,005
      chr8 145,769 65,546,496
B3932-03-01 HG18 WG CGH 3 of 4 Array 3 of 4 chr8 65,548,048 146,272,003
      chr9 31,119 140,222,407
      chr10 83,840 135,369,517
      chr11 184,510 134,451,849
      chr12 18,706 132,289,489
      chr13 17,918,051 114,125,068
      chr14 18,071,701 38,021,685
B3932-04-01 HG18 WG CGH 4 of 4 Array 4 of 4 chr14 38,023,184 106,359,606
      chr15 18,265,291 100,246,550
      chr16 53 88,812,028
      chr17 14,128 78,653,364
      chr18 1,555 76,116,008
      chr19 197,010 63,788,999
      chr20 8,001 62,426,369
      chr21 9,726,361 46,940,478
      chr22 14,432,207 49,559,760
      chrX 112 154,903,636
      chrY 112 57,762,836
Homo sapiens (8 Array Whole Genome Tiling Set)
Source: UCSC
Build: HG18, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 713bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Chromosome Tiling Start Tiling Stop
B3933-SET-01 HG18 WG CGH 8 Whole Genome 8 Array Set      
B3933-01-01 HG18 WG CGH 1 of 8 Array 1 of 8 chr1 58,140 247,189,712
      chr2 718 137,779,712
B3933-02-01 HG18 WG CGH 2 of 8 Array 2 of 8 chr2 137,780,301 242,697,810
      chr3 35,766 199,380,418
      chr4 731 39,302,280
B3933-03-01 HG18 WG CGH 3 of 8 Array 3 of 8 chr4 39,302,901 191,262,464
      chr5 65,160 180,649,114
      chr6 95,247 19,703,758
B3933-04-01 HG18 WG CGH 4 of 8 Array 4 of 8 chr6 19,704,314 170,863,129
      chr7 135,897 158,821,005
      chr8 149,141 55,644,468
B3933-05-01 HG18 WG CGH 5 of 8 Array 5 of 8 chr8 55,645,810 146,271,383
      chr9 4,284 140,217,802
      chr10 86,823 135,358,414
      chr11 176,424 16,553,739
B3933-06-01 HG18 WG CGH 6 of 8 Array 6 of 8 chr11 16,555,051 134,451,854
      chr12 19,601 132,288,910
      chr13 17,951,568 114,126,024
      chr14 18,075,496 24,717,110
B3933-07-01 HG18 WG CGH 7 of 8 Array 7 of 8 chr14 24,717,751 106,359,463
      chr15 18,263,036 100,296,773
      chr16 53 88,697,085
      chr17 22,500 78,654,199
      chr18 713 48,216,794
B3933-08-01 HG18 WG CGH 8 of 8 Array 8 of 8 chr18 48,217,444 76,116,688
      chr19 203,740 63,789,723
      chr20 8,471 62,426,784
      chr21 9,723,058 46,944,190
      chr22 14,433,397 49,562,229
      chrX 702 154,904,241
      chrY 702 57,763,441
Macaca mulatta
Source: UCSC
Build: rheMac2
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 6476bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B4500001-00-01 rheMac2 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Mus musculus (Whole Genome Tiling Array)
Source: UCSC
Build: MM8, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 5782bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B4254-00-01 MM8 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Mus musculus (4 Array Whole Genome Tiling Set)
Source: UCSC
Build: MM8, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 1388bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Chromosome Tiling Start Tiling Stop
B4350-SET-01 MM8 WG CGH 4 Whole Genome 4 Array Set      
B4350-01-01 MM8 WG CGH 1 of 4 Array 1 of 4 chr1 3,000,293 197,067,985
      chr2 3,007,234 181,924,958
      chr3 3,000,291 159,871,498
      chr4 3,007,126 109,660,570
B4350-02-01 MM8 WG CGH 2 of 4 Array 2 of 4 chr4 109,663,130 155,028,692
      chr5 3,007,298 152,002,384
      chr6 3,000,436 149,524,578
      chr7 3,055,470 145,132,901
      chr8 3,027,760 132,084,028
      chr9 3,040,187 36,731,975
B4350-03-01 MM8 WG CGH 3 of 4 Array 3 of 4 chr9 36,733,292 124,000,488
      chr10 3,000,293 129,951,542
      chr11 3,000,361 121,797,655
      chr12 3,009,912 120,462,673
      chr13 3,001,846 120,613,703
      chr14 3,102,049 65,206,768
B4350-04-01 MM8 WG CGH 4 of 4 Array 4 of 4 chr14 65,209,422 123,961,988
      chr15 3,005,814 103,492,224
      chr16 3,016,968 98,252,181
      chr17 3,003,101 95,176,416
      chr18 3,000,301 90,735,078
      chr19 3,091,207 61,321,098
      chrX 3,014,124 165,489,740
      chrY 196 2,728,204
      chrY random 67,462 14,576,508
Mus musculus (8 Array Whole Genome Tiling Set)
Source: UCSC
Build: MM8, NCBI 36
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 656bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description Chromosome Tiling Start Tiling Stop
B4351-SET-01 MM8 WG CGH 8 Whole Genome 8 Array Set      
B4351-01-01 MM8 WG CGH 1 of 8 Array 1 of 8 chr1 3,001,077 197,066,459
      chr2 3,006,344 123,959,628
B4351-02-01 MM8 WG CGH 2 of 8 Array 2 of 8 chr2 123,962,199 181,926,640
      chr3 3,000,451 159,871,498
      chr4 3,006,937 108,173,152
B4351-03-01 MM8 WG CGH 3 of 8 Array 3 of 8 chr4 108,173,698 155,029,642
      chr5 3,003,071 152,002,600
      chr6 3,000,436 123,746,411
B4351-04-01 MM8 WG CGH 4 of 8 Array 4 of 8 chr6 123,747,011 149,525,430
      chr7 3,016,730 145,134,047
      chr8 3,027,760 132,084,028
      chr9 3,042,742 35,309,354
B4351-05-01 MM8 WG CGH 5 of 8 Array 5 of 8 chr9 35,310,047 124,000,599
      chr10 3,008,904 129,951,974
      chr11 3,001,791 91,602,672
B4351-06-01 MM8 WG CGH 6 of 8 Array 6 of 8 chr11 91,603,275 121,798,360
      chr12 3,027,081 120,462,673
      chr13 3,003,693 120,614,149
      chr14 3,207,139 64,109,628
B4351-07-01 MM8 WG CGH 7 of 8 Array 7 of 8 chr14 64,110,901 123,962,871
      chr15 3,000,426 103,492,450
      chr16 3,138,900 98,252,181
      chr17 3,002,406 60,422,186
B4351-08-01 MM8 WG CGH 8 of 8 Array 8 of 8 chr17 60,422,758 95,176,355
      chr18 3,002,382 90,736,224
      chr19 3,079,715 61,321,098
      chrX 3,011,514 165,516,765
      chrY 31 2,728,845
      chrY random 21,465 14,500,280
Plasmodium falciparum 3D7
Source: NCBI
Build: Dec 2004
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 48bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B2028001-00-01 Plasmodium 3D7 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Rattus norvegicus
Source: Ensembl
Build: RGSC 3.4, Ensembl July, 2005
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 5303bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B2432001-00-01 RN34 WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Source: UCSC
Build: Oct 2003
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 12bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B2436001-00-01 2007-05-08 SCER WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array
Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Source: NCBI
Build: Jun 2005
Probe Length: 50-75mer
Median Probe Spacing: 8bp
Probes per Array: 385,000
Feature Size: 16μm x 16μm
Array Dimensions: 17.4mm x 13mm
Overall Slide Dimensions: 1" x 3" (25 x 75mm)
Recommended Storage: Store arrays desiccated at room temperature.
Catalog Number Design Name Description
B2441001-00-01 SPOM WG CGH Whole Genome Tiling Array